WW II Letters Home Marsh / Robinson Family
From: Pte. A.L. Robinson
No. 6 Coy, No. 1 C.S.R.U (Canadian Signals Reinforcement Unit)
Canadian Army Overseas
To: Mrs. Clarence (Margaret) Marsh
Date of letter: July 11, 1942
Postmark: No. 1, Cdn. Sigs. Rein. Unit Post Office, 13 Jul 1942 To: Mrs. Clarence Marsh, Dresden, Ontario, Canada
Sat, July 11/42
Dear Sister,
Just a few lines in answer to your letter which I received just the other day and was glad to hear from you. I have been laying around reading a murder mystery this afternoon and I thought I had better get busy and write a couple of letters as I received seven this week. I had one from Jean Law and I got my first one from Alex and Shirlie.
Gosh, if many more young fellows sign up from around there, there won’t be hardly anyone left in town. Do you know if any of the fellows from around Wabash have signed up or are they still trying to get in the Ladies Aid Society?
We have had quite a lot of rain here in the last couple of days and it doesn’t look as if it is finished yet. I think that I will go to the show tonight – George Formby in “South American George” is playing at the theatre in camp here tonight.
Well, I suppose it won’t be long until you will be picking tomatoes again, will it? I have got an awful cold now but it seems to be getting some better. I am still as fat as ever and we get pretty good eats in the camp I am in now. See if you can get ahold of Bill Lloyd’s address for me, will you? Well, I expect to be getting another seven days leave before so very long and then maybe I will have more to write about.
Well, I can’t think of any more so will write soon again. Hoping you are all well and hoping to hear from you soon again.
Love, Allan
P.S. I got all of my teeth fixed at last.