WW II Letters Home – Marsh / Robinson Family
From: Pte. Allan Robinson
To: Miss Helen Marsh
Date of letter: April 3, 1942
Postmark: Sussex, NB
To: Miss Helen Marsh, Dresden, Ontario
Apr. 3/42
Dear Helen:
I received your letter today at noon and here I am again. How is the weather down there? It is really nice now, there is still a lot of mud. I had a letter from Shirlie yesterday and she was saying that she and Alex were staying at Agar’s now.
I am working in the swill department now. Quite a promotion don’t you think? The officer was just in the hut now and said that we would be leaving here next week sometime for a little boat ride he thought.
I went to the show last night “Hired Wife” and almost laughed my head off. I never got the box that you sent me. I think that they got hold of it at the hospital and never sent it any farther. I suppose that you are catching lots of fish down that way now.
If I go overseas I will try and save enough money to send a telegram to one of yous as soon as I get there. Well I must close for now. Write soon.
Love, Allan