Rank | Private |
Service # | A50078, A50091 |
Unit # | 1st Kents, Essex Scottish Regt. |
Resident | Wallaceburg |
The son of Mrs. Clarissa Seed of 36 Hiram St., Wallaceburg, ON. Ralph received his education at Central School in Wallaceburg. He went to work at the Dominion Glass factory prior to his enlistment. The brother of Claude (30th Recce Regt.), Fred (RCAF), Burton (Windsor), Floyd (living in Windsor) and Allen at home.
Ralph enlisted in the First Kent Regt. in 1940. He transferred to the Essex Scottish and went overseas with as a re-enforcement draft and transferred to the Essex Scottish. Ralph was captured by the Germans on 3 August of 1944 while serving in Normandy. His mother was informed that he was a POW on 24 August.
Pte. Young was reported MIA in Normandy in August of 1944 and he was later determined to be a POW. He would be liberated by American troops several months ago and was finally reunited with his mother. WN.
He was released by US Army troops April of 1945 when they liberated the camp. He arrived in Canada 20th of June and was expected to be home in a “couple of days. CDN 22/06/45
The CDN 21/06/45 reported that he was arriving home. Next of Kin: Mrs. C. Seeds (mother) of Wallaceburg.
Ralph passed away 17 June, 1982 at the age of 65 years old.
Sources | TUCW-RH, CDN, W-RH, AL, GOHS, WN (10/08/44) |
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