Rank | AB |
Unit # | R.C.N.V.R. |
The son of Mrs. And the late Harry Wiseman of Ridgetown. Budd joined the Navy in January 1943.
He was home on a 28 – day leave. This was common when your ship was sunk as was the case. “To stand in the water up to his waist watching it flow into the lower deck of his ship as he stood at his post after the vessel hit a mine was the nerve racking experience of AB. Seaman.
‘We arrived just 10 minutes after zero hour, which was about eight a.m. and we ran our boat on the beach of France. The Germans threw up a terrible barrage and mortar fire was all around us and the noise was terrific. Our sister ship was along side us was sunk and ours was leaking badly having struck a mine near shore, but we managed to get the crippled boat back to Liverpool.
Budd had been overseas with the Navy for a year had eight trips to France. He was annoyed that American troops could buy American cigarettes but Canadians had to have them sent from Canada.
It was reported in the Ridgetown newspaper in Dec. 1943 that ‘smokes’ were sent to this sailor. RIN 5/12/17
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