Willan, Clifford Charles (C.C.) Photo
Rank Private
Service # 880490
Unit # 186th Batt., 18th Bn.
Resident Chatham
Books Of Rememberance Page Available

Regimental number: 880490. Reference: RG 150, Accession 1992-93/166, Box 10374-14; Item No. 313967, PDF:- Address: Wheatley, County of Kent and Mersia County. Next of Kin: P.J. Willan of Wheatley, ON. Father. Single. Attestation : 15/03/16 at Chatham,  On. 

Apparent Age: 18 yrs. Height: 5’ 8 1/2’” , Girth: 36”, Weight: 148 #, Complexion: Medium, Eyes: Brown. Hair: Brown. Medical “Fit” at Chatham, ON.    

Pte. Willan had joined the 186th Bn. in 1916. From Camp Borden he trained from 15/03/16 to April 1917, He passed the routine exam and the Medical Board 5/03/17, His “WILL” bequeathed to his father, Mr. Thomas Willan in France 16/06/17. Reported real estate 

Departed Halifax NS. aboard the S.S. Lapland 25/03/17 unit sailed on 28/03/17 and Debarked at Liverpool 7/04/17. 

Private Willan left for overseas with the 186th battalion Mar. 26, 1917,

He arrived at Bramshott at the Segregation Camp 7/04/17. Transferred to the 4th Cdn. Reserve. TOS to the 4th Reserve taken to the 18th Bn. in France 16/06/17

He marched to Lens and went into action at Hill 70 for the first time.  He  was severely wounded Aug. 21, 1917 and died of wounds Aug. 24 1917.

Clifford Died of Wounds 24 August, 1917. Information found on the CVWM photo of Clifford, as follows:

“Ordered to the front for the first time on 18/08/1917. Three days later while enroute a shall landed on the road and he received multiple shrapnel wounds, several oyjers were killed. He died three days later never seeing battle.” 21/08/17.

Pte. Clifford Charles WILLAN, DOD: 24/08/17 age 18 years. Son of Thomas J. and Alice Willan of Leamington, ON. 

Clifford is Buried at Lapugnoy Military Cemetery, Grave ref: V.E.2, Pas de Calais – France.

The Memorial Cross: – Nil. (indicates his mother was not living). Thomas J. Willan of Wheatley, ON. received the Memorial Scroll 27/05/31 and the Memorial Plaque 28/11/1921.

There is a photo of Pte. Clifford Charles WILLAM. “ Clifford was ordered to the front for the first time”.

“He received multiple shrapnel wounds. He died three days later never seeing battle. From: He Grave His Tomorrow – For Our Todays.                    



Cenotaph Chatham and Kent County Cenotaph - Chatham
Sources Chatham Daily Planet (28-08-1917), LAC, CVWM, BIll Siddall, Historian
Height 5'8 1/2"
Weight 148 lbs. lbs
Eye Colour Blue
Age 18 yrs.
Complexion Medium
Hair Brown
Race White
Birthplace Essex County
Religion Prebysterian
Last Place of Employment Farming near Wheatley
Marital Status single
When Enlisted Mar. 15, 1916
Where Enlisted Chatham, ON
Next of Kin Father: Thomas J. Willan, Wheatley

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