The son of Mrs. F. A. Wilde of 71 Cornhill St., Chatham, ON. At some point the home address was on Prince St. South, Chatham.
Previous Military Experience… None
History After Enlistment… Served with the Kents in Canada, then went overseas as a reinforcement and spent a year in Italy with the Perth Regiment. Was Wounded and hospitalized and later invalided back to Canada.
Pte. Wilde was well known throughout the city as a talented singer. He at first joined the First Kent Regt. (active) in 1940.
The CDN 8/04/43 reported that Pte. Wilde had safely arrived overseas. The CDN 19/05/43 (P) was serving overseas.
The CDN 23/09/44 reported “that he played an active part in the capture of points 111 and 204 in the valley of the Foglia River, part of the Gothic Line”. His unit was under attack by two German self-propelled guns in support of 100 German Paratroops.
His Colonel from Charlottetown, borrowed Ken’s Piat gun and with Ken’s help knocked out the two guns.
The CDN 11/10/44 reported that Ken had been wounded in action while serving in Italy. A letter received by his mother revealed he had suffered a wound in the groin and back. The letter, was written from a hospital in Italy. He expected to be home for Christmas.
A letter reported in the CDN 18/10/44 was a ‘Thank you” to the Chatham Firemen who had sent him a much appreciated number of cigarettes. He informed his mother that his recovery was satisfactory and he is hoping to be home for Christmas. He was twice wounded and suffered a great loss of blood but was then reported to be on the mend.
Date of Discharge… April 1945
Sources | IODE, CDN(3), B. Wilder, Janet V. |
Age | born 1909 |
Birthplace | Brantford, Ont. |
Religion | Anglican |
Marital Status | Single |
When Enlisted | August 2nd 1940 |
Next of Kin | Florence Wilde (Mother) |
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