Born in Harwich Twsp., Kent Co., ON. the son of Charles and Elizabeth Western of R. R. #3 Chatham; the brother of Mary, John, Millie and Lawrence.
Alex enlisted 9/11/1917 at Winnipeg, MN. with the RNCVR. He served on HMS Niobe at Halifax, NS until May of 1918 when he was transferred to Patrol duty aboard C. D. 14. After the Armistice he returned to HMS Niobe in November of 1918 with the rating of Engineer.
Engineer Charles Alexander Western served on the “Niobe”, Halifax, until May 1918, when he was given Patrol duty on the “C.D.14”. After the Armistice was signed he was returned to the Niobe, November 1918.
Sources | Chatham Daily Planet (10-11-1917), Harwich Womens Institute Book - Kent OGS Room, C-K Library, Chatham, Chatham Daily News (19-05-1919), Chatham Daily Planet (20-05-1919), Blenheim Freedom Library, IODE(P)., WMI |
Height | 5'9 1/2" |
Eye Colour | Brown |
Age | 23 |
Complexion | Dark |
Hair | Dark Brown |
Race | White |
Birthplace | Harwich Township |
Religion | Presbyterian |
Last Place of Employment | Central Garage, Winnipeg, Manitoba |
Marital Status | Single |
When Enlisted | November 9th, 1917. |
Where Enlisted | Winnipeg, Manitoba. |
Next of Kin | Father- Charles Western, R.R.#3 Chatham. Mother- Mrs. Elizabeth Western. Sister- Mary Western, Millie Western. Brother- John Western, Lawrence Western. |
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