Rank | AW 2, Corporal |
Service # | Unknown |
Unit # | Royal Canadian Air Force (WD) Accounts Section |
Resident | in 1980 - Dartmouth, Nova Scotia |

Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank and Edith Weaver of Turnerville, Chatham, Twsp., Kent Co., ON. {(P) Dresden}.
Served in Canada.
The CDN 1/05/43 Reported that Cpl. Weaver was leaving to be stationed to RCAF – Rockcliffe Some weeks later again on a few days at home from Rockcliffe. The CDN 24/09/43 reported that AC Margaret Weaver of St. Thomas, RCAF training school spent a week end leave with her parents.
In January of 1944 LAW Weaver was stationed at St. Thomas when she was granted a week-end leave to visit her parents. CDN 27/01/44 In March of 1944 still at RCAF-St.Thomas Margaret was home on a week-end with her parents.
The CDN 18/09/44 reported in the “Eberts” column that LAW Weaver then stationed at St. Thomas was on a leave to visit her parents.
In November of 1944 Margaret was convalescing at home after her recent appendix operation in the RCAF hospital in St. Thomas. CDN 24/11/44 In December of 1944 now Corporal Weaver spent Christmas with her parents in Eberts. CDN 28/12/44
Reported to be engaged to F/O Douglas Haig Cochrane of Grangemouth, Scotland. They married 14/02/1945 in the chapel at RCAF Technical Training School, St. Thomas, ON. CDN 26/01/45.
Discharged October 1945.
Margaret Grace Cochrane (nee Weaver) passed away 26 Aug. 201
Awards | Canadian Voluntary Service Medal, 1939-45 Star |
Sources | Dresden I.O.D.E. Books, CM-IODE(P), Maureen Quigg. |
Age | 20 |
Birthplace | born March 6, 1923 |
When Enlisted | March 1943 |
Next of Kin | Parents - Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weaver |
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