Private Frank Watkins went overseas in September 1914 with the 1st Contingent training at Salisbury Plains until February 1915 when he proceeded to France with the 1st Canadian Battalion. At Givenchy, June 15th, 1915, he received a bullet wound in the left fore-arm which shattered the bone and left the arm almost useless. After eleven days at No.2 Canadian Stationary Hospital, Boulogne, he received treatment in Mount Vernon Hospital, London, England, being invalided to Canada in January 1917.
Private Frank Watkins received his honorable discharge July 1st, 1917, being medically unfit for further military service.
Sources | Chatham Daily Planet (03-01-1917), Chatham Daily Planet (08-01-1917), Chatham Daily Planet (10-01-1917), Chatham Daily Planet (01-07-1917), Centennial Chatham 1895-1995 - John Rhodes |
Height | 5'6" |
Eye Colour | Hazel |
Age | 20 |
Complexion | Fair |
Hair | Fair |
Race | White |
Birthplace | England |
Religion | Anglican |
Last Place of Employment | International Harvestor Company, Chatham, Ontario. |
Average Earnings | $ 2.50 per day |
Marital Status | Single |
When Enlisted | August 24th, 1914. |
Where Enlisted | Chatham, Ontario |
Next of Kin | Sister- Mrs. Charles Iles, 76 Delaware, Chatham, Ontario. |
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