Wallace, Robert 'Bob' George (R.G.) Photo
Rank Warrant Officer Class II (Pilot)
Service # R145315
Unit # RCAF, 421 Red Indian Sqdn.

Son of George and Marion Ida Wallace, of CPR Station, Tilbury, Ontario, Canada.

Robert was reported home on a week-end leave in March, 1942. TT 12/03/42; and again  in late March, while he was training at Toronto Manning. TT26/03/42, he was home again in early April a weekend leave at home. TT 9/04/42.

In May of 1942 Robert then training at RCAF Toronto was given a weekend pas to visit his parents. TT 7/05/42. Robert was on a four week leave from No. I I.T.S Toronto before his next posting. In October of 1942 LAC Wallace at Sky Harbour RCAF School on a two week furlough to see his parents before moving to Aylmer Service Flying School for a course. CDN 15/10/42.

It was reported that Bob had a forty-eight hour leave from S.F.T.S. “Sky Harbour”. TT 10/09/42. In September of 1942 he was home from Sky Harbour for a week-end visit with family. CDN 21/09/42 Bob was at No.14 Service Flying Training School – Aylmer, ON. in November of 1942. TT26/11/42. In January of 1943 Bob lost a good friend LAC Douglas Weather be on the 6th of January while at No. 14 S.F.T.S (Specialized Flight Training School) at Aylmer, ON. in a plane crash. Douglas had been a guest at the Wallace home for the New Years celebration. TT 14/01/43.

The CDN 22/03/43 (P). Reported that Sgt. Pilot Wallace received his Wings as a member of the RCAF at Alymer, ON. The young air man was only 19 years old received his training at Toronto, Sky Harbour, St. Thomas and Aylmer. His father was a veteran of WWI.

The CDN 28/06/44 (P) that Flt-Sgt. Robert G. Wallace of Tilbury was reported missing in action the Spitfire pilot with the RAF, failed to return from his mission.

Age: 21, KIA –  Date of Death: 23/06/1944, Service No: R/145315. WO Wallace was flying his Spitfire fighter on a dusk armed Recon. Flight over the Cean area of France. He was killed when his aircraft crashed 50 miles inland north of Merlierault, France; “likely shot down by Hermann Staiger, a Luftwaffe captain flying a Focke-Wolf Fw190 fighter”.



Sources “The Tilbury Story 1887 -1987”. Index of Overseas Deaths. They Shall Grow Not Old. “A Lost Treasure” – Active Adult magazine Mar/Apr 2011, TT 26/03/42., Bill Siddall, Historian
Supplemental Information Casualty Type: Commonwealth War Dead,Cemetery: STE. GAUBURGE-STE. COLOMBE COMMUNAL CEMETERY.

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