Rank | Lieutenant |
Service # | 501356 |
Unit # | No. 1 Tunnelling Bn. CEF and Cdn Forestry Co. |
24th Reg. | Yes |
Resident | Chatham |
Regimental number: 501356 Rank: LT. Reference: RG 150, Accession 1992-93/166, Box 9974 – 12, Item: 294105, PDF:- B9974-SO12. Date of Birth 09/11/1884 at Chatham, ON. Married to Irene, living at 55 Water Street, Chatham, ON. Next of Kin. A Engineer. Member of 24th Kent Regt. Served for four years. Attestation: 29/12/1915 at Pembroke, ON.
Apparent Age: 31 yrs. Height: 5’ 8”, Complexion: Fair, Eyes: Brown, Hair: Dark Brown. Medical Examination: “Fit” 29/12/15 CE. To No. 1 Tunneling Co. CEF and Cdn Forestry Co. Commissioned Rank: 29/12/1915 CE England and France.
Reported over seas 1/01/16 as a temporary Lieut. – temp. Arrived in England 10/01/16aboard the S.S. Metagama. Arrived in France as Cpl. 30/03/16 13/07/16. Arv. In France – Field 30/02/16 Cpl. 1st Cdn. Tunneling Coy 16/07/16 contracted Trench Fever. 15/07/16 t0 11/08/16 – Neurasthenia (36 days). Gen. Mil. – Colechested 11/08/16. To Gran. Cdn. Spec. – Ramgate. Discharged 18/09/16. Discharged 15/09/16 N.Y.D. 31/08/16 Invalided and transferred to General List. 20/12/16 Discharged from Grenville C.S. Hospital from Trench Fever
Reported as ill, CDP 25/10/1916 member of, #1 Tunneling Construction Bn.
William was reported as a Temp. Captain 1/05/17 SOS – Sunningdale 27/04/17 – Posted to 32 Coy. in France – Acting Captain 10/02/18. 16/03/18 32 Coy. given 15 days leave
Reported “True Name – 19/09/18 – Continued as Tem. Capt. 5/04/18. Waddell enlisted on Dec. 1915 under the name of Howard William – ILO William Howard Waddell 20/07/15. Date of Admission: He was complaining of weakness and Cassitude Debility 25/02/18 – in France. With rest he was “ Much improved. He was also in a nervous condition – along with a pain in his back.
He would by discharged to duty #1DD Category C111 25/02/1919.
Waddell, H. W. – Lieut. on General List. Captain Waddell was reported Captain for service in Ffance – Date of Service 10/01/16 to 4/01/19. Listed as at R.R. #2 St. Catherines, ON. (file # 602.23/188).Constructional Engineer. It was reported that Mrs. Irene Waddell moved to 108 Stanley Ave., Chatham, ON.
Transferred to R. O. 26/02/19. O.M.S.C. 4/01/19 – 1559 transferred in France.
Sources | Chatham Daily Planet (25-10-1916), Chatham Daily Planet (10-05-1917), Chatham Daily Planet (11-01-1919), Chatham Daily Planet (17-01-1919), Chatham Daily Planet (20-01-1919), RG 150, Accession 1992-93/166, Box 9974 - 12 |
Height | 5'8" |
Eye Colour | Brown |
Age | 31 yrs. |
Complexion | Fair |
Hair | Dark Brown |
Birthplace | 09/11/1884 at Chatham, ON. |
Next of Kin | Irene, living at 55 Water Street, Chatham, ON. (Wife) |
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