Rank | Private, Ordinary Seaman |
Service # | 880724 |
Unit # | 44th Bn., 186th Bn. |
Resident | Chatham |
Regimental number: 880724. Reference: RG 150, Accession 1992-93/166, Box 9970 – 25. Date, Item: 296260, PDF:- B9970-SO25. Date of Birth: 12/05/1889 at Menlebeke, Belgium. Married to Mary Vromon, they were living in Wallaceburg, ON. where he worked as a labourer. Member of 44th Regt. Brugge, Belgium (32 mos.) 25/04/16. Vaccinated – Yes. Attestation: 25/04/1916 at Chatham to 186th Bn. O/S. weight -180#.
“DESERTER” – At Chatham, ON. 25/04/16 to the 186th for O/S – 186th Batt. 25/04/16 to 26/07 1916 it was reported 3 days 5/05/16 / 3day 26/08/16 and 7/06/16 – SOS as a Deserter 26/07/16 – Unit sailed 28/03/17 he was AWOL 3/07/16 to 26/07/26 (noted 27/07/16).
Married to Mary Vromon of Tlierchartreat, Reabbeke, Belgium. They had a daughter – Rasile Vromon (age 5 years old). His father: Jules Vromon and mother: Tharilda Vromon.
880724, A. Vromon – Declared Deserter 26/07/16. “Last Payment:- $39.60 – “Declared deserter”, 26/07/17 owing his ‘Kit’ deficiency $47.17 from Camp Borden 26/07/16.
Sources | Library Archives of Canada, RG 150, Accession 1992-93/166, Box 9970 – 25, LAC Search |
Weight | 180 lbs. lbs |
Birthplace | 12/05/1889 at Menlebeke, Belgium |
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