Rank | Private |
Service # | 880039 |
Resident | Tilbury |
Reference: RG 150, Accession 1992-93/166, Box 9943 – 10 Date of Birth 01/10/1897 at Tilbury North, Kent Co. ON. Son of H. Matt Vickerman of R. R. #4 Tilbury, ON. A single farmer living in Tilbury. Attestation: 16/02/1916 at Chatham to 186th Bn. Found on Nominal Roll for the 186th Bn 28/03/1917. The Tilbury Times on Thursday, 1 May, 1919 reported that David was one of three Tilbury men to return after the war, he and homer Girouix and Alfred Hoskins were reported arrived home after leaving England on the 5th of April.
The Tilbury Times, Thursday
8 May, 1919.
Private Hoskins & Vickerman Home from the Front.
“Pte David Vickerman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Matt Vickerman, Tilbury North [Twsp.], who returned at the same time [as D. Vickerman and H. Giroux] says he would not have missed the fight for the world. He joined the 186th Batt. in Feb. 1916, went overseas in March 1917 and in Dec. 1917 was transferred to the 1st Batt. as a signaler until the Div. left Germany last Feb. he was slightly wounded once but still carried on.He saw four German prisoners carrying the late Lieut. Pat Wilson MC. Of this town out of the line at Arras, the day before the young hero died at Rouen hospital. Dave said that some of the boys thought he was Jonah to carry an iron cross, found on a prisoner, as it would bring bad luck. He is aged 21 and in fine health.”
Sources | Nominal Roll of 186th Bn, RG 150, Accession 1992-93/166, Box 9943 - 10 |
Birthplace | Son of H. Matt Vickerman of R. R. #4 Tilbu |
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