Rank | Private |
Service # | 2355458 |
Unit # | 1st Bn. |
Resident | Bothwell |
Regimental number: 2355458. Reference: RG 150, Accession 1992-93/166, Box 9818 – 35 Item: 283879, PDF:- B9818_SO35. Date of Birth: 11/06/1894 at Bothwell, ON. Son of David and Magdalena “Laney” Tunks of R. R. # 3 Bothwell, brother of Clifford William 2355439. A single oil well labourer living in Bothwell. (single) Attestation: 10/10/1917 at London, ON. to 7th Bn.
Age: 23 yrs., 4 mos., Height: 5’ 5 ¼”, Girth: 35 1/2 “, Complexion: Dark, Eyes: Blue, Hair: Dark Brown. Eyes: L 30/20, R. 30/20, Hearing – Normal (R&L). Medically “Fit” 10/10/17 at London, ON.
1st Depot Bn. from October to December 1917 to the 7th Batt. O/S. 18/12/17 from St. John, NS. aboard the S. S. Grampian. 1st Bn. Date of Service 28/03/18. Theatre of War: France. Arrived at Glasgow, Scotland 31/12/17. Arrived in France 29/03/18. Joined the 1st Bn. 13/04/18 and was KIA 14/04/18 or 17/04/18.
Letter From the Chaplin.
France, 8th May, 1918.
Mrs. E. Tunks, Bothwell, ON.
Dear Mrs. Tunks.
You no doubt have heard officially the terrible news that your son No. 2355458 Pte. E. Tunks was Killed in action on 14 April. Words at such a time seems so hopelessly inadequate either to express ones feeling or to convey comfort. But you may be thankful that he was killed instantly, without pain, and even in your brief will be proud of the son thus gave his life a true hero in willing sacrifice upon the alter of honour, truth and justice. Surely such sacrifice cannot have been in vain but has been accepted and united with that of our Saviour Jesus Christ, in whom and with whom he now is living, developing his character and personality unto the perfect man. I buried him 16th April in Roclincourt cemetery, Plot 4, Row C, Grave 5. In deepest prayerful sympathy.
Yours faithfully.
J. Mimmat,
A second letter in the same Bothwell Times of 27 June, 1919 regarding Pte. Tunk’s death:
Letter from the Commanding Officer.
4th Can. Res. Battn.,
Witley, 10th May, 1918.
Mr. and Mrs. D. Tunks
Bothwell, Ont.
Dear Sir and Madam:-
I regret very much to read in the causality list of the death of your son in action. Upon joining this Battn. Both he and his brother were pushed to the Company I command and remained with me until being sent to France at the end of March during that time he was a model soldier, a favourite among his comrades and were willing to show that he had enlisted to do his bit which unfortunately in this case has meant his supreme sacrifice.
Although I had over 600 men in the company at that time Pte. A. E. Tunks stood out among the rest and was known personally to me. It was a disappointment to him when he had to leave his younger brother behind on account of being under age but no doubt this was for the best as the fighting now taking place requires a strong fully developed men to combat with same.
I sincerely hope that you will bare up under this bereavement and that will find consolation in the fact that he died defending the Empire of which we are proud to belong.
Pte. C. H. Tunks is still with the Battn. Being attached to “A” Company till he becomes of age on July 11th this year. He is doing his work well. If there is any information or anything I can do for you I would be pleased to do same. I am,
Sincerely yours,
B. Rawling. Lt.
Comdg. D. Co. 11th Can. Res. Bn.
NOTE : A search of the LAC data base reveals 9 Tunks’ attested in the Great War, none have the initials “A. C.” nor a “C. H.” there is however a Clarence Bryce (2356666) and a Clifford William (512422). JRH
A presentation medal was received from “The Citizens of MOSA
For Gallant Service
In the
Great War 1914 -1918.
He is also noted on the Methodist Church – Cashmere (KIA).
Buried at Roclincourt Military Cemetery IV.C.5, Pas de Calais, France
The Memorial Cross was granted to Mrs. Laney, Tunks and the Scroll & Plaque to Mr. David Tunks.
TUNKS, ERNEST HENRY; Initials: E. H. Nationality: Canadian, Rank: Private,
Regiment/Service: Canadian Infantry (Western Ontario Regiment), Unit Text: 1st Bn.
Age: 22, Date of Death: 14/04/1918. Service No: 2355458
Additional information: Son of David and Magdalena Tunks, of Bothwell, Ontario.
Casualty Type: Commonwealth War Dead; Grave/Memorial Reference: IV. C. 5.,
Sources | Library Archives of Canada, RG 150, Accession 1992-93/166, Box 9818 – 35, LAC Search, BT, M. Matt |
Supplemental Information | Age: 22, Date of Death: 14/04/1918 Casualty Type: Commonwealth War Dead; Grave/Memorial Reference: IV. C. 5., Cemetery: ROCLINCOURT MILITARY CEMETERY |
Height | 5' 5 1/4" |
Eye Colour | Blue |
Age | 23 yrs. 4 mths. |
Complexion | Dark |
Hair | Dark Brown |
Birthplace | 11/06/1894 at Bothwell, ON. |
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