Private Tuddenham left for overseas with the 186th battalion Mar. 26, 1917, proceeding to France about three months later drafted to the 18th battalion.
He served in the trenches for nine months, had fourteen days leave in Scotland, returning to this unit in France, where he served until Apr. 27, 1918, when he was killed in action.
Sources | Chatham Daily Planet (27-09-1919) |
Height | 5'8" |
Eye Colour | brown |
Age | 23 |
Complexion | dark |
Hair | black |
Race | white |
Birthplace | Scotland |
Religion | Prebysterian |
Last Place of Employment | Farmer for John McMillan, Harwich Township |
Average Earnings | 300/yr |
Marital Status | single |
When Enlisted | Feb. 20, 1916 |
Where Enlisted | Ridgetoen ON |
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