Service # | C27347 |
Unit # | AFHQ |
(A.R.R.C) . NS. The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. Chittim of R. R. #2 Merlin, Kent Co., ON. The wife of Flt. Lieut. G. E. Trotter of 1 Daly Ave., Ottawa, ON.
“The biography announcing the award states that: Mrs. Trotter was born in 1914 in Kent Co., ON. She attended Harwich and Raleigh Public School. Blenheim high School, and graduated from the Chatham General Hospital. Previous to her enlistment in the RCAF on 11 August, 1942, in London, Ontario she was an office nurse and technician. She is presently posted at AFHQ, Ottawa.” CDN 13/06/45.
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