Private Felix Toulouse was transferred from the 1st. Depot Battalion to the Canadian Garrison Regiment in which he served until his discharge.
Private Felix Toulouse received his discharge January 30th, 1919, due to demobilisation.
Sources | IODE |
Height | 5' 3"3/4 |
Eye Colour | Blue |
Age | 21 |
Complexion | Fair |
Hair | Light Brown |
Race | White |
Birthplace | Dover Township, Ontario |
Religion | Catholic |
Last Place of Employment | Dominion Glass Company, Wallaceburg, Ontario |
Marital Status | Single |
When Enlisted | May 9th, 1918 |
Where Enlisted | London, Ontario |
Allowance from Patriotic Fund | $22.00 per month |
Next of Kin | Mother- Mrs. Sid. Toulouse, Wallaceburg |
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