Regimental number: 491181 Reference: RG 150, Accession 1992-93/166, Box 9709 – 1, Item: 276999, PDF: B9709-S001 Date of Birth unknown (about 26 years old about 1889) at Ridgetown, ON. N of K: Stephen Titus of Mull, ON. A sailor.
Attestation: 26/01/15 at Chatham, ON. to 33rd Bn. 5’ 3 ½” height, Complexion; Dark, Eyes: Hazel, Hair: Black. He has a tattoo on his left arm of initials and crossed gun and sword on his right arm. His last address before leaving for England was 10 Poplar St., Chatham, ON
John left Halifax with the 33rd Overseas Battalion 17/03/1916 aboard the S. S. Lapland and they arrived in England 25/03/16. He was transferred to France joining the 7thBattalion. He was treated for a dislocated elbow 31 July 1915
A sailor. Attestation: 26/01/15 at Chatham, ON. to 33rd Bn. May be a black enlistment?
Invalided home after being wounded at the Somme (muscle of right thigh shot away) CDP 3/04/1917
Private John Titus left Canada on the “S.S. Lapland” for overseas March 17th, 1916, and after training at St. Martin’s Plains, England, proceeded to France June 8th, 1916, transferring to the 1st. British Columbia Regiment, 7th. Battalion. He was buried the first night in the trenches at Hill 60, in a mine explosion. At Ypres, in July, he was on Water Fatigue at Monkey Farm. On the Somme, September 12th, 1916, he received shrapnel wounds in both legs and a wound in the right thigh, ten inches long and one inch deep, and after going through the Clearing Hospital at Rouen, and the Casualty and Leaving Hospital at Belgium, was removed to England, and admitted to Frazeberley Hospital, Liverpool. Seventeen weeks later he was transferred to Sherlock Street Hospital, convalescing at Woodcote Farm, Epsom. He was returned to Canada on the Hospital Ship “Letitia” arriving at Halifax March 20th, 1917, sent to Military Orthapedic Hospital, Toronto for treatment, and discharged from Whitby Convalescent Hospital.
Private John Titus received his honorable discharge June 30th, 1917, his pension being $15.00 per month.
It was during the Battle of of Somme that John suffered as serious GSW wounds to both thighs 11/09/16. He was sent to Boulonge, #14 General Hospital – Wimereux for seven days. He was then transferred to Liverpool, England where he was operated on and spent some 15 weeks in various hospitals having four operations. He was reported to be “Dangerously Ill”. By January he was in the Convalescent Hospital – Cote Park, Epson, where he would remain until being discharged 10/03/17 for Canada after his medical Board approved him to be invalided to Canada 31/01/17.
The Medical Board Report:
He suffered a GSW to the Right and Left Thigh while in operations on the Somme, France. He had a 18” scar to the right leg running from the upper third of the thigh to just past lower border of the poplite space. Mvement of the hip and knee joint is limited. The muscles of the inner right thigh have, to a large extent been destroyed. The movement of the hip to the knee joints are limited to about 60 degree and to the left thigh to about 90 degree. There is 3” scar to the left thigh. His right foot swells and leg and thigh is very weak. The wounds were reported healed.
Invalided home after being wounded at the Somme (muscle of right thigh shot away) CDP 3/04/1917.
Pte. John Titus was discharged from the Army 30/06/17 at Quebec as “Medically Unfit” for service.
Sources | Chatham Daily Planet (27-01-1915), Blenheim News Tribune (27-09-1916), Chatham Daily Planet (03-04-1917), Chatham Daily Planet (28-06-1917), Blenheim Freedom Library, In Khaki - Blenheim Enlistment Book, Royal Canadian Legion Br. 185 60th Anniversary Book 1930-1990, RG 150, Accession 1992-93/166, Box 9709 - 1, IODE |
Height | 5' 4 1/2" |
Eye Colour | Brown |
Age | 29 |
Complexion | Dark |
Hair | Black |
Race | White |
Birthplace | (about 26 years old) at Ridgetown, ON. |
Religion | Presbyterian |
Last Place of Employment | Sailor at Erieau under Captain Murdock |
Marital Status | Single |
When Enlisted | December 1st, 1914 |
Where Enlisted | Chatham, Ontario |
Next of Kin | Father- Stephen Titus, 217 King Street East, Chatham |
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