Rank | Private, Trooper |
Unit # | RCOC |
The son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Taylor of Canal St., Tilbury, ON. TT 14/01/43.
The CDN 27/05/43 reported that Tpr.Taylor, who had been confined to the camp hospital for tonsillitis and other ailments visited with his parents while he was at Camp Borden on the weekend.
The CDN Aug. 44 reported their son “Somewhere in France”, he had arrived overseas on 2 Sept, 1943, Bill had spent over half a year of the last 11 months in Hospital undergoing treatment for a throat and nose ailment and for a knee injury which left him somewhat disabled.
His letter dated the 25th of July reported that he was in good spirits in part his letter reads: “dear mom:- Just a few lines to let you know I am still alive and well
Thanks for the smokes; I got 1300 a week- ago. Keep them coming until I get home. Boy, we need them more than ever now. Everything is going fine here. It is a beautiful country but terribly marred by war. I suppose you know we have captured Caen. I had shrapnel wound in my arm and the first place we stopped a French lady washed my clothes and mended them. I am glad it wasn’t a bad wound, as I want to be there when they take Paris. (It took a week to hear.”
“the French people are so glad to see us they shake our hands till we think our arms will drop off. I am having a hard time to understand French but some of the girls speak English. They take it up in school.
The wine is very good what we see of it. The Germans take what they can then destroy the rest of it.
Take good care of yourself as I want you to be in the best of health when I come home, which won’t be very long we hope. With all my love, Bill.
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