Seaman R. Stinson enlisted as A. B. in R. N. C. V. R. Atlantic Patrol at Winnipeg November 1917 and was at once sent to Halifax, Nova Scotia to join H.M.C.S. Niobe where he served until February 18th 1918 when he was transferred to H.M.C.S. Cartier and from that ship back to Niobe April 8th, 1918. He then went to C.D. 81 and was on the Nova Scotian Coast mine sweeping and looking out for submarines until the 18th, of October when he was sent to H.M.C.S. Shearwater in the Bras d’Or Lakes where it was suspected that the submarines operating against the Fishing Fleet had taken refuge, After the Armistice was signed his ship was used for training boys for the Canadian Navy and took a lengthened cruise to the West Indies returning to Halifax June 9th, 1919 Examinations. May 24th, 1918 Passed for Seaman Torpedo man. December 18th, Leading Seaman April 19th, Petty Officer, May 19th. During the whole time that he was on the Atlantic Patrol and while serving in the Shearwater he had charge of all the Electrical fittings in the ship and was responsible that the Hydrostatic Valves were fitted correctly to the depth charges with which submarines were destroyed. He was also very prominent in rescue work during the terrible times after the Halifax Explosion which took place December 6th, 1917.
Discharged from H.M.C.S. Niobe at Halifax, Nova Scotia June 19th, 1919 due to demobilisation.
Sources | IODE, Discharged (19-06-1919) |
Height | 6' 0" |
Eye Colour | Brown |
Complexion | Dark |
Hair | Black |
Race | White |
Birthplace | Chatham Township, Ontario |
Last Place of Employment | Winnipeg |
Marital Status | Single |
When Enlisted | November 1917 |
Where Enlisted | Winnipeg, Manitoba |
Next of Kin | Father, R.R.#2 Dreden, Ontario |
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