Previous Military Experience… None
Enlisted 25/11/1942. Samuel appears in a photograph of 27 Navy recruits from HMCS Hunter about to leave Windsor for PEI., for additional training in November of 1942. [for photo see REID, Robert James.]
Sam was reported returning to Charlottetown PEI CDN 31/12/42 after being home for Christmas.
History After Enlistment… Trained at Charlottetown, P.E.I. and Halifax, N.S. Served in Newfoundland waters until December 1943 when he was posted to England where he received special training. Upon completion of this he was assigned to a Motor torpedo Boat as a gunner. Saw action in the English Channel and in the coastal waters of Southern England. Was awarded a Mention in Dispatches for service in action with enemy light forces in February 1945.
A photo of AB. Snobelen appeared in the CDN 1/06/45(P) along with another shipmate rearming the ammunition on a Motor Torpedo Boat hen with the 65th Canadian Flotilla operating in the English Channel and other coastal waters around England. The German E-Boats were very active in the area of southern English waters. The photo shows Sam wearing a jacket taken from a German prisoner captured after sinking an E-Boat.
The CDN 29/06/45 reported on the arrival home of AB. Sam Snobelen at a community gathering at St. Paul’s United Church in Harwich Twsp. to welcome back Able Seaman Snobelen and presented him with a signet ring in appreciation of his service during the war.
Date of Discharge… 1946
Awards | Mention in Dispatches |
Sources | HWI-RH, CFF-FD44, IODE(P), TBD-RH, CDN(P) |
Age | born 1922 |
Birthplace | Harwich Township |
Religion | United Church |
When Enlisted | November 1942 |
Next of Kin | Mr and Mrs John Snobelen (Parents) |
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