The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Smith of 27 Dover St., Chatham, ON., the sister of Allan M. and Norman W. and another brother Morris and sister Irene at home.
Winnifred enlisted in the RCAF at the age of 18 years. She attended training at Alymer and was serving as a telephone operator. Winnifred and a Jennie Mitchell of Halifax NS were stationed at Alymer, ON. when she was reported on leave to Chatham. CDN 21/09//43
Prior to her enlistment she was employed at the Bell Telephone Co. as an operator in Chatham.
Winnifred ‘Micki’ Brundage (nee Smith) passed away 23 April, 2007 at the age of 82 years.
Sources | IODE(N),, GOHS, Janet V., L. Lucas. |
Age | born 1924 |
Birthplace | Chatham |
Religion | Anglican |
When Enlisted | February 1943 |
Next of Kin | Mrs George Smith (Mother) |
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