The son of Mr. and Mrs. William Smith of Thamesville. N of K his wife Mrs. P. Smith of 31 Adelaide St. N., Chatham, ON. Percy was born in Hull, England and came to Canada when he was five. Hi s parents Mr. and Mrs. William Smith were residing in Thamesville. He had a sister living in Preston.
Previous Military Experience… None
History After Enlistment… Served overseas nearly three years. Was wounded twice while in Service.
A telegram was received by Percy’s wife, who had two and half year old son was residing at her parents Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Burke at 31 Adelaide St. North. The telegram informed his wife that Percy had been WIA with the Essex Scottish in France. He had been struck by a bomb with fragments in the nose and shoulder, this took place 21/07/44 while serving in France. He was discharged from hospital in England on 8 August and received a 7 day leave
He had enlisted with the Oxford Rifles 21 May,1942 and received his basic training at London, ON. and Prince George BC. He transferred from the Rifles to join the Essex Scottish. He arrived in England 9 October 1942 serving there until early July 1944.
Percy was back in action by September 1944 seeing action in September with the Essex Scottish Reg.The CDN 16/10/44 reported that Percy had been WIA for a second time on 5 October, 1944. The nature and extent of the wounds was ‘not yet available’.
Reported arriving from overseas duty aboard the “Duchess of Richmond, expected at Quebec City 19 August, 1945. CDN 17/08/45.
Date of Discharge… October 20th 1945
Sources | CFF-FD44,, , ,, VR, IODE(P), CDN(2),, BFL-B, M.Matt. |
Age | born 1917 |
Birthplace | England |
Religion | United Church |
Marital Status | Married |
When Enlisted | May 1942 |
Next of Kin | Marian Smith (Wife) |
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