Rank | AC2, (DFM). Flying Officer |
Service # | R83451 |
Unit # | R.C.A.F. |
Resident | Chatham, ON |
Born in Carleton Place, ON. he and his family moved to Chatham. The son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Smith of Lorne Ave., Chatham. John attended Queen Mary Public School and the Chatham Collegiate Institute. Prior to the war, while attending CCI., John became a basketball star. A member of Christ Church.
Enlisted in the RCAF in February 1941 he wasn’t called up until his graduation in June. He trained at the Toronto-Manning Pool, Camp Borden and the wireless school in Montreal and bombing and gunnery at Jarvis, where he graduated 20 June 1942. His operational training was at Pennfield Ridge, NB. and Yarmouth, NS., going overseas 6 November, 1942; where he was attached to Coastal Commans as a Sergeant wireless air gunner WAG.
Sgt. (WAG) Smith was on a two week furlough in June at his parents home in Chatham. CDN 23/06/42 It was reported in the CDN 23/10/42 that John had left Chatham for an “eastern port” after spending a furlough with his parents. Sgt. Smith went overseas in 1942 and was commissioned to the rank of Flying Officer before his discharge from active service.
During operations over enemy territory on the last day of August of 1943 he was seriously wounded by anti-aircraft shrapnel. “In spite of his injury the airman stuck to his post until the aircraft returned safely, he continued to operate his wireless set. For this F/O Smith became one of the first from Kent County to be awarded the Distinguished Flying Medal (DFM). John suffered a “severe eye injury” in this action and surgeons found it necessary to remove the eye.” He had been hospitalized for some time in England.
“His most exciting show was over Brest when his flight was challenged by 100 Folke-Wolfes and ME-109’s. Bombers on either side of his were shot down and his plane was riddled but managed to get back to its base safely”. CDN 21/02/44
A veteran of 15 operational daylight flights over occupied Europe, mostly Holland, Belgium and France. WO. Smith DFM arrived in Chatham after a two year absence. The 22 year old airman was welcomed home by family and friends. After his 13 week leave he had hopes of getting into Ferry Command as a wireless operator. CDN 21/02/44
The CDN 8/06/44 (P) reported WO2 J. F. Smith had been commissioned a wireless officer operator. John was also home on leave after being wounded in action ‘some months ago”.
After returning to Chatham then F/O Smith became an instructor with the Chatham Air Cadets where his operational flying prior to D-Day would be most valuable. CDN 25/09/45.
Sources | CFF-FD44, IODE(P) |
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