Regimental number: 880860 and A591. Reference: RG 150, Accession 1992-93/166, Item number: 236370, Item: 236370, PDF:- B9020-SO20. B-Coy, Blenheim, ON. (Address), Tilbury East, ON. Date of Birth 1/04/1895, at Tilbury East, Kent Co., ON. The son of W. H. and Elizabeth Embury. (mother). He was employed in engineering. He listed 6 months service in the 33rd Battalion when he enlisted in the 186th Bn. He had enlisted 22 Feb. 1915 Service No. A951 using a birth date of 1/04/1893. Attestation: 12/02/17 at Chatham, ON. He had previously entered the military 23/02/15 to August 30/08/15 – Discharged.
Apparent Age: 22 yrs., Height: 5’ 8 ¼ “, Girth: 37 /12”, Weight: 165 #, Scar over right Tibia. Medical Exam: 12/02/1917 at Chatham, ON. N of K: Mrs. Elizabeth Embury of Blenheim.
Embarked at Haliax, NS. 25/03/17 aboard S.S. Lapland. Debarted at Liverpool, England 9/04/17. TOS. At Bramshott Seg. Camp – Transferred to 4th Bn. SOS to 18th Bn. – FRANCE 25/08/18. Edwin was granted a 14 day leave to England.
Attached to 2nd. Bn. M.G. Corp.
Joined the Cdn. Div. MG Co. from the 186th . Date of service 16/06/17. Theatre of France.
Private Smith enlisted at London On with the 33rd battalion in Jan. 1915 and after seven months training was honourably discharged as medically unfit for active service.
After five attempts he re-enlisted in Feb. 1917 with the 186th Ken battalion going overseas Mar. 26, 1917. Two months later he proceeded to France with a draft for the 18th battalion, later transferring to the Machine Gun Section of the 2nd Canadian Battalion. He received his promotion to Sergeant just prior to his death Aug. 8, 1918, in No 1 Field Ambulance Depot due to gunshot wounds in the back.
SMITH, Edwin Charles. Canadian Machine Gun Corps, 2nd Battalion CEF.
Regimental number: 880860
DOAS, 8 August, 1918. Age 25 years. Son of W. H. and Elizabeth Embury of Blenheim
Casualty Type: Commonwealth War Dead Grave Reference: III.A.4. Longueau British Cemetery. Somme, France.
Memorial Cross ; to Mrs. Elizabeth Embury, R.R. # 2., Blenheim, ON. 26/11/1920. Memorial Scroll 12/01/21 and Plaque 31/12/21. “WILL” – Mrs. Elizabeth Embury.
The original wooded cross grave marker is on display at the Blenheim Freedom Library, Blenheim, ON. Also a photo of Pte. Smith.
Sources | Library Archives of Canada, Chatham Daily Planet (27-09-1919), Blenheim Freedom Library, CVWM, LAC |
Height | 5'8 1/4" |
Eye Colour | Blue |
Age | 22 yrs. |
Complexion | Fair |
Hair | Fair |
Race | White |
Birthplace | Raleigh Township |
Religion | Anglican |
Last Place of Employment | Alax Forbes, Blenheim ON |
Average Earnings | 25/mth |
Marital Status | Single |
When Enlisted | Feb. 6, 1917 |
Where Enlisted | Blenheim, ON |
Next of Kin | Mother: Mrs. Elizabeth Embury, Thamesville |
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