The son of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Sloan of 147 Thames St., Chatham, ON. Prior to his enlistment he was employed in the C.P.R. Express Office.
Douglas enlisted in June of 1941. Stationed at RCAF Headquarters in Ottawa staff of the Paymaster Department; he was on leave to visit his parents. “The promotion is considered a great compliment to LAC Sloan’s ability.” CDN 25/07/42 The CDN 21/1/43 reported he had returned to Ottawa after a short sick leave spent at his parents. The CDN 25/03/43 reported that after visiting with his parents and Mrs. A. E. Sloan; Cpl. Sloan returned to Ottawa.
The CDN 27/12/43 reported Cpl. Sloan LAC R99883 and Sgt. Kerr of Ottawa spent Christmas furlough at Cpl. Sloan’s parents.
The CDN 30/05/44 reported that Cpl. Sloan stationed in Ottawa was home on a week-end furlough to visit his parents. Still stationed at RCAF-Ottawa was home on a weekend furlough. CDN Aug. 44 Douglas was stationed at RCAF-Ottawa was home on a Christmas furlough with his parents. CDN 23/12/44
Previous Military Experience… None
History After Enlistment… Served in Canada at Headquarters in Ottawa as an accountant. Promoted to the rank of Sergeant.
Date of Discharge… November 25th 1945
Sources | IODE(N), CCI-RH, CDN(5) |
Age | born 1920 |
Birthplace | Toronto, Ont. |
Religion | Presbyterian |
When Enlisted | June 1940 |
Next of Kin | Hazel Annie Sloan |
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