Sheff, Francis
Rank Private
Service # A110066
Unit # R.C.I.C., Essex Scottish Regt.

Born 17/07/1924 the son of Henry C. and Eva (nee Bushey) Sheff, of 237 Queen St., South,  Wallaceburg, ON. The brother of Stoc. Jack Sheff, RCNVR, Andrew, Norman and Gerald at home; Sister Mrs. Floyd Jackson of Chatham, Mrs. Dell Ives of Elsington, ON and Mary Helen at home. His uncle Capt. J. B. Sheff of Chatham was also serving in France. A native of Wallaceburg, he attended our Lady of Help Separate School and the High School. 

Prior to the war Frank was working at the Wallaceburg Brass Co. and from there too Schultz Die-Casting Co. before he enlisted.

Frank enlisted at London, ON on the 14th of March, 1944 with the Essex Scottish Regt. He received his training at Chatham, London and Camp Ipperwash, ON. Left for overseas on 5/09/1944 arriving at Linex, Scotland. 

At first he The CDN 14/10/44 reported that Frank was serving in France early in September. At first he was reported as WIA 6/10/44 by German small arms fire and then reported having “died of wounds” 7/10/44, age 20 years. An ‘advice’ was received by his parents that he had been reported as WIA and was in hospital “somewhere in France.”

Age: 20, DOW – Date of Death: 07/10/1944, Frank was wounded on the 6th of October in Belgium by German small arms fire and died the following day.



Sources Bill Siddall, Historian

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