Regimental number:189491, L/Cpl. Date of Birth: 24/11/1892. RG150, Accession: 1992-93/266, Box – 8805-33, Item: 223483, PDF: -B8805-SO33. 91st /186th O/S. Born at Ramsey, Isle of Man. The son of Robert J. and E. M. Sharpe. A Clerk, Single. Attestation: 24/11/15 at St. Thomas, ON. for the 91st O/S. Battalion.
Age: 23 years. Weight: 130#, Height: 5’ 8”, Girth: 36”. Complexion: Fair, Eyes: Blue, Hair: Light Brown. He had a birth mark on the calf of his right leg. And a small mole on his neck left side. His medical 29/11/ 14. His previous address was 10 Hillard St., Chatham, ON
Private Ernest Sharpe enlisted November 29th 1915 in 91st Battalion at Chatham and was transferred to 186th. Battalion with whom he went overseas March 1917. He trained at Bramshott Camp with 4th. Reserves, then proceeded to France June 4th 1917. He was wounded at Hill 70 August 1917, and transferred to hospital at Reading Eng and after convalescing was transferred to Witley to 4th Reserves where he was promoted to 1/c Corporal. He left England March 28th 1919.
Departed from Halifax aboard the S. S. Lapland 28/03/17 for England. Arrived in England 7/04/17. Transferred to 4th Recc. Batt. TOS with the 18th Cdn Infantry in the French Theater. Battalion – Estaples
21/08/17 GSW right thigh. @7/08/17 No.6 CC Station. 30/07/17 Reading Hospital
On 22/08/17 he was wounded by a German shell. James was admitted to a Convalescent Hospital. He was wounded by a sharp piece of a German Shell in the Right Thigh and had come down with Trench fever. He was admitted to the Reading War Hospital.
22/11/17 – M.C. – Epson.
5/10/17 admitted to St. Anne’s A.T.S
23/11/17 his wound was healing and was still suffering along with the Trench Fever and pain in his legs and back. Temp. Normal, indicating the Trench Fever was improving and his leg was stronger with only occasional pain at nights.
3/12/17 Had come down with a slight cold but temperature was normal 10/12/17 Is doing well. Temp normal, He was kept in the hospital “for the present”. 16/01/18 Is fit for treatment – no fever for several weeks.
James was discharged from Reading War Hospital 18/01/18. 3/03/19 He was transferred to No.1 M.D. Wing – Kimmel Park. 5/03/19 for Canada. Sailed aboard the S. S. Regina leaving 22/03/19
Discharged at London April 1st 1919 due to demobilization. Destination – Austin Co., Chatham, ON. “Assigned Pay to Stanley Sharpe c/o Austin Co., Chatham, ON. @ 15.00 per month
At discharge in Canada : age 26 yrs. Served in England and France with the 18th Cdn. Battalion. Discharge date: 1/04/1919 at No.1 District Depot.
A small article in the CDP – date unknown was received by his brother Stanley of the Chas. Austin Co. from his brother Ernest, form his brother Pte. Ernest Sharpe formally of the 186th Battalion and a member of the first draft to leave the Kent unit for France.
The letter states that the boys have safely arrived in France, and have excellent quarters. The Chatham soldier states that he is endeavoring to locate his brother, Eddie Sharpe who has been in France for some months.
Sources | Chatham Daily Planet (01-09-1917), Chatham Daily Planet (13-09-1917), Victoria Ave. United Church - Roll of Honour, LAC, CDP (date unknown) |
Height | 5' 8" |
Weight | 130 lbs. lbs |
Eye Colour | Blue |
Age | 23 yrs. |
Complexion | Fair |
Hair | Light Brown |
Race | White |
Birthplace | Ramsey. Isle of Man |
Religion | Methodist |
Last Place of Employment | Chas Austin Coy. Chatham |
Marital Status | Single |
When Enlisted | November 29th, 1915 |
Where Enlisted | Chatham |
Next of Kin | Father- R. J. Sharpe, Ramsey, Isle of Man |
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