Private Shand sailed for England Oct. 21, 1915 and was drafted into Machine Gun Section of the 10th battalion, Shorncliffe, proceeding to France in May, 1916.
He was killed in action Sept. 21, 1916 at the Battle of the Somme.
Cenotaph | Chatham and Kent County Cenotaph - Chatham |
Sources | Chatham Daily Planet (12-09-1919), Commonwealth War Grave Commission |
Height | 5'7" |
Eye Colour | blue |
Age | 27 |
Complexion | fair |
Hair | fair |
Race | white |
Birthplace | Hunlty, Aberdeenshire, Scotland |
Religion | Prebysterian |
Last Place of Employment | Canadian Pacific Railway |
Average Earnings | 1.75/day |
Marital Status | single |
When Enlisted | July 1, 1915 |
Where Enlisted | London, ON |
Next of Kin | Grandmother: Mrs. McDonald, Scotland |
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