Seward, John Burton (J.B.) Photo
Rank Private
Service # 696624
Unit # 31st Battalion
Resident Chatham

Regimental number: 696624 Reference:  RG 150, Accession 1992-93/166, Box 8784 – 40, Item: 222097, PDF: – B8784-SO40. Present address, Cabri, Saskatchewan.   Date of Birth 20/04/1879 at Chatham, ON. N of K: Fred Seward (brother) of Wallaceburg, ON. (brother). A single farmer living at Cabri, Sask. Attestation: 31/03/1916 at Medicine Hat, Alberta., to 175th Bn. Found on Roll of Honour, Trinity Methodist Church, Wallaceburg, ON. 

The “Will” – The official left all of the real estate to Theodore, Seward, Sanford, Deane, Sask. 

Apparent age: 36 yrs. 11 mths., Height: 5’ 4 ½”, Girth: 36” , Complexion: Medium, Eyes: Blue, Hair: Black, Weight: 150 #.  Medical Exam:- 31/03/16 at Medicine Hat, Saskatchewan. “Fit”. 

Departed from Halifax, NS. aboard the S.S. Saxonia departed 3/10/16. Arived in England 13/10/16. Transferred from the 175th Bn. SOS to the 21st Res. Bn. TOS 175TH Seaford 10/11/17. SOS 31st Bn. 

John Burton served with the 31st Bn, Theatre: France. Date of service 17/02/17.     

25/05/17 reported Missing, 3/05/17 reported KIA.  Age: 38 yrs. 

SEWARD Initials: J B. Nationality: Canadian Rank: Private Regiment/Service: Canadian Infantry (Alberta Regiment) Unit Text: 31st Bn. Age: 38. KIADate of Death: 03/05/1917 Service No: 696624

Additional information: Son of George and Mary Seward. Casualty Type: Commonwealth War Dead Grave/Memorial Reference: V. J. 37. Cemetery: ORCHARD DUMP CEMETERY, ARLEUX-EN-GOHELLE.  Pas de Calais. 

“God is our refuge and strength – A very present in trouble.” inscribed on his tomb-stone.

The Memorial Cross went to C. W. Seward, of Wallaceburg, ON. and the Memorial Scroll 29/04/? And Memorial Plaque 4/10/?



Sources Trinity Methodist Church - Roll of Honour - Wallaceburg, No Return Ticket - Wallaceburg War Casualties - Alan Mann 2002, RG 150, Accession 1992-93/166, Box 8784 – 40, LAC, CVWM, Bill Siddall, Historian
Supplemental Information Age: 38. KIA, Date of Death: 03/05/1917 Casualty Type: Commonwealth War Dead Grave/Memorial Reference: V. J. 37. Cemetery: ORCHARD DUMP CEMETERY, ARLEUX-EN-GOHELLE
Height 5'4 1/2"
Weight 150 lbs. lbs
Eye Colour Blue
Age 36 yrs. 11 mths.
Complexion Medium
Hair Black
Birthplace 20/04/1879 at Chatham, ON.
Next of Kin Fred Seward (brother) of Wallaceburg, ON.

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