Born in Brantford, the son of Mr. & Mrs. William Schramek of Tilbury and brother of Leonard and Walter. He attended St. Frances School and later Windsor Vocation where is was a well known athlete. Prior to enlisting William was working at the Chippewa Hotel then returned to live and work on the family farm in Tilbury.
He enlisted with the Essex Scottish Regt 13 September, 1939 at age 21 years. Trained in Windsor and at Camp Bordon. He went overseas in 1940 with the Essex Scottish and was involved in the disastrous raid on Dieppe 19/08/1942 where he was taken as a POW.
Letter from a POW Camp.
21 March, 1943.
Dear Dad,
I must thank you for the very wonderful parcel I received every part of it. Don’t send any cigarettes, only tobacco – on account of the pipe. Boy! Do I ever brag about it and the rest of the articles.I have received cigarretes from Mrs. Marnell and a short note from Mr. K. Sonta. Please explain to themthat I do not get very much writing material here. I don’t know who is writing the letters from home because they are very nicely written. Please write more often and tell mesll the latest gossip – even from Windsor.
I know all the boys from Tilbury that are here with me and they are all nice lads. I am rather an expert at playing contract bridge now.
Sending ton of love to everybody. Please do not worry.
Love from Edward.
Transcribed from an article in the Tilbury Times 17/06/1943. JRH.
Sources | CKFA, Rita Lubzun Collection, WS 16/09/42(P)- (MIA). |
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