Private Sample trained in Canada until May 1916 when he embarked for overseas and served as Orderly in the Officers’ Hospital, Shornecliffe until Mar. 1917 when he transferred to the Signalling Corps, Alberta Reserves.
He proceeded to France in July 1917 and was killed in action Oct. 26, 1917.
Sources | Blenheim News Tribune (10-05-1916), Chatham Daily Planet (13-11-1917), Chatham Daily Planet (20-11-1917), Chatham Daily Planet (27-09-1919), Blenheim Freedom Library, In Khaki - Blenheim Enlistment Book, Royal Canadian Legion Br. 185 60th Anniversary Book 1930-1990 |
Height | 5'9" |
Eye Colour | blue |
Age | 18 |
Complexion | fair |
Hair | brown |
Race | white |
Birthplace | London Township. ON |
Religion | Prebysterian |
Last Place of Employment | Student at Normal School, Calgary AB |
Marital Status | single |
When Enlisted | Dec. 1915 |
Where Enlisted | Calgary AB |
Next of Kin | Mother: Mrs. Matilda A. Sample, Blenheim |
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