Son of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. and Marie Rose of William St. North, Chatham, ON.
Private Rose trained in Chatham, and later served in Windsor as a clerk and was for a time in the Records Office in Barryfield. He received his commission at Three Rivers and Brockville, and was afterwards stationed in Petawawa, Shilo, Man. and Debert, N.S. where he was attached to the Royal Canadian Artillery. He embarked for England on D-Day.
Pte. Rose spent the weekend at his mother’s house before returning to Barrifield to resume his training. CDN 14/04/42
Then Cpl. Rose was reported home on a week-end leave from Kingston, ON. CDN 7/09/42.
Douglas was reported promoted to the rank of Lieutenant in the CDN 4/01/44.
He was on a seven day leave at his parent’s home before returning to his station to continue with his course. Later that month James had completed his course at Camp Petawawa and was reported in the CDN 26/01/44 as being on his way to Camp Shilo, MB. after a brief stop at his home in Chatham.
Lieut. Rose was home again from Camp Shilo in March of 1944 on a two week leave. CDN 1/03/44.
The CDN 12/06/45(P) reported that Lieut. James D. Rose ad recently arrived in England.
Date of Discharge: July 30, 1946
Sources | IODE(P), VR, CCI-RH, CC-HR, CDN (14/04/42), CDN (24/01/45), CDN (13/02/4), CDN (12/06/45 (overseas).) |
Age | born 1920 |
Birthplace | Tottenham |
Religion | Anglican |
When Enlisted | September 1941 |
Next of Kin | Marie Rose (Mother) |
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