Labourer. Attestation: 13/01/1915 @ Chatham, ON. Returned from England unfit for service.CDP 5/01/1917
Bugler Roebuck contracted pneumonia while training at Quebec, receiving six weeks hospital treatment.
He went overseas Jan. 1916 with the 33rd battalion and after training at West Sandling, proceeded to France in Oct. 1916, attached to the 7th battalion.
He was reported Missing Aug. 15, 1917 after the engagement at Hill 70.
Sources | Chatham Daily Planet (05-01-1917), Commonwealth War Grave Commission, Chatham Daily Planet (04-09-1917), Chatham Daily Planet (02-04-1918), Chatham Daily Planet (27-09-1919), Blenheim Freedom Library, In Khaki - Blenheim Enlistment Book, Royal Canadian Legion Br. 185 60th Anniversary Book 1930-1990, RG 150, Accession 1992-93/166, Box 8424 - 10 |
Supplemental Information | Father: Pte. James Roebuck, 99th bn. Mother; Mrs. Mary Roebuck, Chatham Sister: Agnes |
Height | 5'6" |
Eye Colour | hazel |
Age | 22 |
Complexion | dark |
Hair | black |
Race | white |
Birthplace | 23/12/1895 @ Oldham, Lancaster, England |
Religion | Anglican |
Last Place of Employment | Blenheim ON |
Marital Status | single |
When Enlisted | Jan. 15, 1915 |
Where Enlisted | Chatham ON |
Next of Kin | James Roebuck of Blenheim, ON. |
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