Rank | Private, Corporal, Sergeant, LAC |
Service # | Unknown |
Unit # | Veterans' Guard Military Police Division |
Resident | Dresden |

Regimental number: 189573. DOB:- 6/02/1895. To 186th Batt. O/S., Rg 150, Accession 1992 – 93/166: Box:8222-3, Item:- 599084, PDF:- B8222-SO03. Present Address: Dresden, Kent Co. ON. Next of Kin: Alexander Rice of R.R. # 4,. Dresden (father) Trade: Brick Maker. Previous Military : 24th Kent Regt. Attestation: 7 Dec. 1915 at St. Thomas, ON.
Transferred to 186th Batt. Age: 30 yrs. 9 mths. Height: 6’, Girth: 37”, Complexion: Clear, Eyes: Blue, Hair: Light Brown. Fit for Service”. Listed to 91st Batt. transfer to 186th Batt. 28/02/16.
Departed from Halifax, NS. aboard the S.S. Lapland 28/03/17. Debarked at Liverpool 7/06/17
#12 Stationary at St. Pol. 18/04/18 NYD –Mumps, Transferred to 46 Stationary – Estaples 22/04/18, transferred 12/05/18 to ^ Conv. Mumps transferred to #14 Conv. Dep. – Touville to discharge,
20/06/17 admitted to Military Hospital Bramshott for VDG Discharged 13/08/17. 30/08/17 CMH Bramshott for Orchitis and VDG 21/10/17.
Reported GSW Right Thigh taken to Cdn. General Hosp. – Bassinstoke through and through. Pr. Patricia Cdn Red Cross Hospital – Cooden Camp, Baxhill admitted 10/10/18 and discharged 18/10/18. George served 28 months in Canada and six months in the Field
Returned aboard S.S. Scotian at St John 15/01/19. 17/01/19 He was granted allowance to 31/01/19. Discharged from HMS 6/02/19 Demob. He was charged 7 ½ d. for losing by neglect of his uniform and equipment 2/08/18
The son of Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Rice of North Dresden.
George was one of the Veteran Guards at the Japanese-Canadian camp at Eatonville during the summer and winter of 1942-43. [ the Veteran Guard was raised from veterans of the Great War 1914-18] George had been stationed in many parts of Canada and the United States. Principally he was responsible for guarding German POW’s on trains in transit and POW camps. This relieved the younger soldiers for ‘active service’. DT 26/08/43
The DT 18/02/43 reported that George was stationed at Stratford,ON. when he was home on a weekend leave. He was granted a two week leave in August. DT 18/02/43
Discharged January 1946.
Died in 1976.
Awards | Several service medals for overseas service in First World War, Usual Canadian Service medals for Second World War |
Sources | Dresden-CM(P), G. Hawes (family). |
Height | 6' |
Eye Colour | Blue |
Age | 30 yrs. 9 Mths. and 46 yrs. |
Complexion | Clear |
Hair | Light Brown |
Birthplace | Born- March 5th, 1895 |
When Enlisted | March 1941 |
Next of Kin | Parents- Mr. & Mrs. Sandy Rice |
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