The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald H. Rawlings of Grand Ave., Chatham, ON. CDN 31/01/45. Prior to her enlisting in the Army she was employed at the Ontario Steele Co., in Chatham in the administrative department. A brother, Edward Charles, O/S., RCNVR was home on furlough from HMCS Brunsieker at St. John, NS. when Dorothy arrived home. Her father served in the Great War.
Dorothy enlisted 31 May, 1943 and was at Camp Ipperwash in January of 1944 when she was visiting her parents on a weekend leave. CDN 22/01/44
Dorothy was at Camp Ipperwash in January of 1944 when she was visiting her parents on a weekend leave. CDN 22/01/44.
Posted to District Pay Office Headquarters M. D. 1 London. Posted to # 37 Co’y C.W.A.C. Ipperwash. Posted to #41 Co’y C.W.A.C. overseas – movement Control, Canadian Military Headquarters London England. Received the C.V.S.M. and clasp and the Defence Medal.
Dorothy was reported home from London on furlough in June 1944. CDN 26/06/44, also serving in Ipperwash and Kitchener before going overseas serving there for the past fifteen months.
The CDN 11/08/44 reported that Cpl. Rawlings was serving overseas. She had been in the service for about fifteen months stationed in London, Ipperwash and Kitchener ON. before proceeding overseas.
While in England was part of the first party of CWAC at the Canadian Military HQ. Her job there was to keep track and document troop movements. Even on the Queen Elizabeth that she was returning to Canada on during a “rough crossing” she and three other CWAC were put to work at 18 hour days to document 12,600 troops aboard ship. CDN 2/11/45(P).
Date of Discharge: January 12, 1946
Awards | C.V.S.M. and clasp, Defence Medal |
Sources | OSP-RH, IODE(P), CDN 31/01/45 |
Age | born 1922 |
Birthplace | Chatham |
Religion | Protestant |
When Enlisted | May 1942 |
Next of Kin | Mr Don Rawlings (Father) |
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