Private George A. Perrott transferred from the 62nd to the 48th Battalion, and left Canada for overseas July 18th, 1915, arriving at Liverpool August 2nd. He was stationed at West Sandling until October 10th, and left for France October 11th, 1915, reaching the front lines October 23rd, 1915. At Ypres November 5th, 1915, he received a gunshot wound in the left leg, and was admitted to hospital where he was given treatment until January 8th, 1916, when he returned to the trenches. August 14th, 1916, he was admitted to hospital with a gunshot wound in the left hand, joining his unit February12th, 1917. He attended Divisional Training School, was transferred to the 7th Battalion, and served until September 2nd, 1918, at Arras, when he received gunshot wounds in the right leg. He was discharged from hospital November 13th, 1918, and left England for Canada January 11th, 1919, arriving at Halifax January 17th, 1919.
Private George A. Perrott received his discharge February 14th, 1919, being medically unfit for further military service, and due to demobilization.
Sources | Chatham Daily Planet (11-05-1916), Chatham Daily Planet (21-08-1916), Chatham Daily Planet (10-09-1918), Chatham Daily Planet (22-01-1919) |
Height | 5'5" |
Eye Colour | Grey |
Age | 25 |
Complexion | Fair |
Hair | Brown |
Race | White |
Birthplace | Chatham, Ontario |
Religion | Catholic |
Last Place of Employment | Isbester and Pretty, Saskatoon |
Average Earnings | $ 125.00 per month |
Marital Status | Single |
When Enlisted | April 15th, 1915 |
Where Enlisted | Vancouver, B.C. |
Next of Kin | Mrs. Lena Perrott, Chatham. |
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