Rank | Private |
Service # | A9550 |
Unit # | RCASC |
An article that appeared in the RIN “Indy Past” recounted a letter from William that was published in the Ridgetown Dominion in 1945 as follows: “Ask the Dominion to express our appreciation of the cigarettes we received regularly from the Ridgetown-Howard, Orford and Highgate Smokes Fund. We really appreciate them very much.”
The CDN 29/06/45 reported that he and eleven other men would be returning to Canada aboard Vessel 889 and there after would arrive in London, ON. Next of Kin: Mrs. S. Penfold (mother) Ridgetown, ON.
Windsor Star article 10/01/40 “Eight of Band Serving in C.A.S. F”. Bandmaster (Tommy) Crouch of Ridgetown Receives Letter from one of His Musical Warriors in England.
“Dear Tommy,
Just a line to let you know that I have not forgotten you and your band.
As you probably know we landed safely here in England without the least bit of trouble. I had hopes of getting some excitement on the way over, but we saw no signs of the enemy whatsoever.
However I suppose we’ll get enough of that later on.
Things over here are exactly as you read of them in the paper. We have quite a time finding our way around in the dark but people are very friendly and are quit willing to put us back on the right path.
Some of the boys got their Christmas leave today but I guess I’ll have to be content with a New Years leave I haven’t made up my mind yet but I think I will run down to London and take in the sights,
Well Tom How is the band coming along? I suppose you’ve got things pretty well rounded into shape by now.
Although it has only been a few weeks since I left, it seems a lot longer. We have no brass band in our outfit and I’m telling you I’m really lost at night without a band practice to go to.
Now that I’m away from it I realize that the band was indeed my friend and so I take this opportunity to thank you for many a good time and many pleasant evenings. As has been said before your band is an asset to the community and I hope that you shall keep it going for years to come. I hope that when I return I shall once again take my place in the back row.
“ Well Tom, I don’t know as there’s much more to say, except that don’t forget to drop me a line. If anyone else would like to write me, I would be glad to hear from them.
The address at the top of the first page will get me at any time no matter where I may be.
Yours sincerely.
Bill Penfold.
48, C.A.S.F. care of Base Post Office, Canada.
Sources | RIN 5/05/10, KCFA, ESUC-RH. |
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