Rank | Captain |
Unit # | RCAMC |
Born 11/04/1906 in Acqua Viva Collecroce, Campobasso, Italy. N of K: Mrs. Evelyn (nee Cogliate) Peco of 262 ½ Victoria Ave., Chatham, ON. The first child of Felice and Mary Peco. His father immigrated to Canada, settling in St. Thomas, ON. In 1908, Henry and his mother arrived in 1910. Henry attended Holy Angles and then the St. Thomas Collegiate. After his graduation he attended Western University Medical School in London, ON graduating in May of 1930. He interned at Brantford General Hospital until June of 1931 leaving Ontario to first practice medicine in Scotland, ON. Dr. Peco would return to London, ON as an intern at Victoria Hospital for three months. In May of 1933 he became the civilian medical officer for the Department of National Defence working at camps at Longbranch and Lac Suel Project at Hudson, ON. From there he moved to Wallaceburg, ON and worked in family medicine from May 1935 until December 1940.
Henry joined the RCAMC and was stationed in Halifax and Mulgrave, NS. Captain Peco was deployed overseas in September 1942 where he served in England, the Mediterranean, and Northwest Europe theaters until the end of the war. He returned to Canada in the spring of 1945.
Reported returning from overseas aboard the troop ship Ile de France, expected in Halifax, NS. second week of April, 1945. CDN4/08/45. Arrived in Chatham from overseas duty 8 August, 1945. CDN 8/08/45.
After his discharge from the army, Dr. Peco worked with Dr. J.R..M. Martin of Chatham. He decieded to return to further his education at the Royal Victoria Hospital in Montreal and Victoria Hospital, London, ON., where he studied anaesthesia. He returned to Chatham in 1949 establishing a practice at 148 Llydican Ave., Extension. Dr. and Mrs Peco had three daughters and a son. He had privilages at Public General and St. Joseph’s hostitals in Chatham as well at Sydenham District Hospital in Wallaceburg.
Dr. Henry C. Peco passed away 31/08/1970 and is buried in Maple Leaf Cemetery, Chatham, ON. Chatham-Kent Physician Tribute (AnneFisher).
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