The son of Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Pattison. Next of Kin: Mrs. V. Pattison (wife) of Dresden, ON.
The DT 23/03/44 reported a letter home from Alec serving in Italy, as follows:
Italy, February 27, 1944.
Hello Folks
Another week gone by, nothing has happened. Life is the same rain and mud
One thing of note though, a few of us from Dresden had a Get together’ this week. Lewis Wilmott, Les Babcock, Jim Bedell, Charlie Breaton, Harry Kyle, Gordon Tricker and those of us in the workshop Clifford Whitson was up to see us the week too. It was over four years since I had seen him – very little change though.
There was a letter from you this week dated Jan. 28th. You seem to think that your parcels are getting here but I believe that they have all come except those sent this year. Give them time.
There is no more for me to write now.
Love to you all.
Reported returning from overseas aboard the Ile de France. CDN 12/07/45.
Discharged September 28th, 1945.
Awards | C.V.S.M. with Bar, Defence of Britain Medal, Sicily Medal |
Sources | KCFA, ,, RLC, CDN (2) |
Age | 23 |
Birthplace | Born- 1916 |
When Enlisted | September 13th, 1939 |
Next of Kin | Parents- Mr. Duncan & Mrs. Elizabeth Pattison |
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