Rank | Private |
Service # | 880091 |
Unit # | 186th Battalion, 18th Battalion |
Resident | Raleigh Township, Chatham |

Regimental number: 880091, 186th, 18th , 1st. Reference: RG 150, Accession 1992-93/166, Box: 7513-46, Item: 542611, PDF: B7513-SO46. Date of Birth: 12/07/1896 born in Raleigh Twsp., Kent Co. Address at enlistment Park Ave. West, Chatham, ON. Son of William Patrick and Sophia Ould. A labourer by trade. Norman was single.
Attestation: at Chatham, ON. 26/02/1916. Age: 19 yrs. 7 mths. Complexion: Dark, Eyes: Blue, Hair: Very Dark Brown. Weight: 165 Lbs. Scar on right shoulder.
Departed from Halifax, S.S. Lapland 25/05/17. Arrived at Liverpool, England.
Pte. Norman Oliver Ould went overseas with the 186th Battalion March 26th, 1917, and while training at Bramshott won the Championship for the Canadians for ball throwing. In June 1917, he crossed to France, attached to the 18th Battalion in the Machine Gun Section.
Overseas to France with the 18th Batt. 6/09/17. Norman suffered an injury to his right shoulder from an enemy shell. 18/01/18 evacuated by #12 Cdn. Std. Ambulance to #4 Cdn. Field Amb. 19/01.18 (right shoulder Injury. Discharged 16/09/18 for Myalgra Gen. 22 Gen., Camiers , and transferred to #6 Cdn. Depot – Estapler. 12/02/18 at 5th Conv. Depot – Cayeux. 14/12/1918.
An article in the CDP 3/05/1918 reported that Norman had lost his right arm. Ottawa could not conform this and sent to the Director of Records, Ottawa who sent the following:
“Replying to your telegram of the 2nd inst. There is no report received at this office of 880091 Pte. Norman Ould having lost an arm. Latest reports show he was discharged to duty from No. 5 Convalescent depot, after suffering from myalgia.
Norman returned to Canada aboard the S.S. Olympic landing in Canada 15/04/1919.
The Department of Veterans Affairs, Ottawa confirmed that Norman Oliver OULD passed away 13/04/1974.
Sources | Chatham Daily Planet (17-09-1918), Park Street Methodist Church, Books of Remembrance for the Great War 1914 - 18. At St. Andrews UC, Chatham - January 2010 (24-04-1919), Chatham Daily News (22-04-1919), Chatham Daily News (25-04-1919) (IODE,) (18TH BA), CDP (3/05/18), GOH |
Height | 5'10" |
Weight | 165 lbs. lbs |
Eye Colour | Blue |
Age | 19 yrs. 7 mths. |
Complexion | Dark |
Hair | Very Dark Brown |
Race | White |
Birthplace | Chatham, Ontario |
Religion | Methodist |
Last Place of Employment | Hayes Wheel Company, Chatham, Ontario |
Average Earnings | $ 3.00 per day |
Marital Status | Single |
When Enlisted | January 4th, 1916 |
Where Enlisted | Chatham, Ontario |
Next of Kin | Mother- Mrs. Sophia Ould, Chatham. |
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