Rank | Spr., A2 |
Service # | 3132365 |
Unit # | 1st, WOR, CE |
Resident | Merlin |
Regimental number: 3132365 Rank: SPR. Reference: RG 150, Accession 1992-93/166, Box 7497 – 16,Item: 552176, PDF: – B7497-SO16 Date of Birth 01/07/1886 at Brigden, Lambton Co., Pres Add ON. Son of Alexander Osborne of R. R. # 4 Merlin, Kent Co., ON. A single farmer living on his father’s farm. MSA 725342 AC. Attestation: 14/03/1918 at London, ON. to 1st WOR. Medical Exam – MSA – Chatham, ON. 18/10/17 – Category A2. Declaration 14/10/18
Apparent age: 31 yrs. 8 mths., Height: 5’ 7”, Girth: 39”, Complexion: Fair, Eyes: Blue, Hair: Brown. Vision: 20/20. Hearing R & L Normal. 1st WOR. a London, Ont. 14/03/18. Reported Deceased 10/12/59.
14/03/18 to April 1918 – A scar on Lt. leg above the ankle. 21/02/19 – 50 Cas. Cl. Station – Influenza – Can. Eng. 14 Gen. Winnereuy 26/02/19, 16 Can. General Orpington, 22/03/19 – Discharge 17/04/19.
C.E. FRANCE –date of service: 11/08/18 – Wallaceburg, ON. Father – Alexander Osborne :- RR.# Merlin, ON. Mother: Rebecca Jane Osborne – same address. Rebeca was supported as his father was unable to work – age 60yrs. 27/03/18 “Particulars of Family” – 26/04/19 had contracted Influenza.
Embarked from Canada 10/05/18 arriving in England 24/05/18. 27/05/18 to Seaford. To Can. England Pool – Seaford 9/08/18. Again Thomas has contracted Influenza 22/02/19 (ill) with a bad cough, Expectrated, Head Ache, Chills and Vomit along with Body pains . 3/03/19 Invalided – Sick in England 3/05/19 to 27/03/19.
Transfer from England to Canada 18/05/19aboard Aquitana 18/05/19. Discharge 28/05/19 . CE ti Merlin, ON. $15.00.
Sources | Chatham Daily Planet (19-10-1917), RG 150, Accession 1992-93/166, Box 7497 – 16 (WOR) |
Height | 5'7" |
Eye Colour | Blue |
Age | 31 yrs. 8 mths. |
Complexion | Fair |
Hair | Brown |
Birthplace | 01/07/1886 at Brigden, Lampton Co., ON. |
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