Rank | C.P.O. |
Service # | V47964 |
Unit # | RCNVR |
Resident | Chatham, ON |
Born in Chatham, ON. Served at HMCS Cornwallis as a water technician. The son of Mrs. Michael O’Mara of Elizabeth St., Chatham, his wife was living at his mother’s home.
The CDN 31/05/43 reported that Leading Stocker who was stationed on the east coast had arrived home on a twenty-eight day furlough to visit with his wife and baby daughter Kathleen and his mother Mrs. Michael O’Mara.
The CDN 2/06/43 reported that Leading Stocker Had been serving on a month’s furlough spent at his home with his wife and mother. He was returning to the East Coast.
The CDN 29/06/43 reported that Edmond had been home on a month’s furlough. He would return to the East coast after his furlough.
The CDN 12/05/44 reported that Chief Petty Officer O’Mara had arrived home from the east coast on a two week leave to spend time with his wife and baby son.
The husband of Helen (nee Masterson), father of Kathleen, Maureen, Michael, Dennis and Jerry.
It was reported in the CDN 29/11/44 that CPO O’Mara was returning to the east coast (HMCS Cornwallis) with his wife Helen, daughter and his mother Mrs. Michael O’Mara of Elizabeth St., Chatham.
Edmond passed away 14/04/1998.
Sources | CCI-RH, CDN-Obit 5/12/12 (Helen O‘Mara), IODE(P), Mike O’Mara (son), BSWV, VR, |
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