Rank | Captain, Lieutenant |
Son of Mayor and Mrs. T. C. Odette of Tilbury.
The TT 16/07/42 reported that Tom was at the Officers Training Centre at Brockville, he had been home on a short leave. Thomas graduated from the COTC. CDN 15/10/42 Lieut. Thomas Odette was stationed at Camp Borden when he came to Tilbury with Miss Mary Gallagher of Toronto for a week-end leave at his family home. CDN 19/11/42 Prior to his enlistment he was a barrister in Toronto.
In January of 1943 Thomas who was training at Camp Ipperwash was home on furlough along with his brothers William (Univ. of Detroit) and Daniel of Ottawa. TT 28/01/43.
It was reported that Thomas was on leave from Sydney, NS. To visit his parents. TT 15/04/43.
It was reported in the TT 1/07/43 that, “Lieut. Thomas Odette had arrived safely overseas [ perhaps in June] with the Highland Light Infantry-Galt. CDN 16/10/44 Lieut. Oddette was among the personnel of three Canadian armored and infantry regiments to reach Britain. The convoy included a large number of reinforcements for various units”.
Thomas was reported wounded 6/10/1944 in Belgium. He had gone overseas in June of 1943 with the Highland Light Infantry of Galt. Landed in France on D-Day 6/06/1944 and was shortly there after transferred to the Regina Rifles. Lieut. Odette was a barrister in Toronto prior to his enlistment. He was promoted to the rank of Captain prior to returning from overseas.
Sources | Photo - Rita Lobzun Collection, TT(3),, TLAN, ST, SGOP |
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