The daughter of Col. And Mrs. Ivan Nurse of King St. West. She had been a teletypist in civilian life. Audrey enlisted in the Navy in April of 1943. The CDN 8/03/44 reported that she arrived from Halifax to visit her father and mother. Wren Nurse was a graduate of Chatham Collegiate Institute.
Served overseas.
The CDN 23/10/43 reported she was stationed on the east coast. She was on a “couple of weeks” furlough at her parent’s home. The CDN 30/10/43 reported that she was returning to Halifax, NS. after a couple weeks furlough
The CDN 8/03/44 reported that she arrived from Halifax to visit her father and mother.
The CDN 17/04/44 received that it had been officially reported that Wren Nurse of Chatham had taken up her duties in the Communication Branch of the RCN in Britain. CDN 6/05/44.
WREN, W1119. The daughter of Col. And Mrs. Ivan Nurse of King St. West. She had been a teletypist in civilian live. Audrey enlisted in the Navy in April of 1943. The CDN 8/03/44 reported that she arrived from Halifax to visit her father and mother. Wren Nurse was a graduate of Chatham Collegiate Institute.
The CDN 17/04/44 receive that it had been officially reported that Wren Nurse of Chatham had taken up her duties in the Communication Branch of the RCN in Britain. CDN 6/05/44
The CDN 9/02/45 reported that was engaged to Lieut. William Peter Dow RCN. The marriage was to take place on the tenth of March in London, England.
Sources | StAUC-RH, IODE(N), CCI-RH, CDN(4) |
Age | born 1920 |
Birthplace | Chatham |
Religion | Anglican |
When Enlisted | April 1943 |
Next of Kin | Col. and Mrs W. I. Nurse (Parents) |
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