Rank | Captain |
Unit # | No. 4 A.M.C. Training Depot |
24th Reg. | Yes |
Resident | Chatham |
Reference: RG 150, Accession 1992-93/166, Box 7330 – 39. Date of Birth 18/04/1884 at Kingston, ON. Married to Margaret Gertrude and living at 275 King Street West, Chatham, ON. A physician / surgeon. Member of the C.A.M.C was the Medical Officer of the 24th Kent Regt. prior to enlistment. Attestation: 16/05/1916 at Montreal PQ to No. 4 A.M.C Training Depot.
It was reported Capt. Nicolle was returning on “Sick Leave”. He went to the front with the C.A.M.C. was returning after contracting “Trench Fever” after being sent back from England. He had been confined to King’s College Hospital. His condition failed to show much improvement and has been granted ‘sick leave’. He was reported on the S. S. Melagama and should be in the coming week.
Capt. Nicolle gave up his practice in the city.
“It was not definitely known how long the Captain will be permitted to remain with Mrs. Nicolle and his family who reside on King Street West.
Reported invalided home wounded and ill with Trench Fever. He did give a talk to the Knights of Columbus Lodge, Members Describing the British “Tanks”.
Capt. Nicolle stated that the tanks were similarly built to a Canadian Ditching machine in dimensions of approximately 25 feet by 10 feet – well-armoured and operated by a crew of 38 men – four of which were engaged in running the deadly land dreadnought: the tanks waddle into battle reigning death and striking terror into the hearts of the German Army. The men in the ‘Tanks’ are well protected from Shrapnel, shot and bullets. Capt. Nicolle said these wonderful machines stop at nothing. The crawl over trenches, in and out of shell holes and brick walls.
Capt. Nicolle gave a description in France from Base and Field Hospitals until finally attached as Medical officers fighting in the trenches. Our troops were reported that our troops were well clothed and fed.
The Capt. described a German dugout, brilliantly lighted by electricity and well stocked.
Sources | Chatham Daily Planet (12-12-1916), Chatham Daily Planet (31-01-1917), Chatham Daily Planet (09-02-1917), RG 150, Accession 1992-93/166, Box 7330 - 39 |
Birthplace | 18/04/1884 at Kingston, ON. |
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