Born 27/08/1910. The son of Fred and Mabel (nee Foster); the brother of James and Ross. The husband of Muriel (nee Morrison), father of Ross, Sylvia, Marianne, Jim, Elizabeth and Lillian.
Served in Canada.
ALD. NEWKIRK VOLUNTEERS WITH RCAF Chatham Daily News October 19, 1943.
Ald. Newkirk is the second member of council to enlist in the armed services this year. Ald. Douglas Clark preceding him by several months. Ald. Clark enlisted in the army and at present is stationed at Camp Borden.
Led by Major Goddard, council expressed deep regret at losing the services of Ald. Newkirk. It was pointed out that the city’s loss is the Air Force’s gain.
Ald. Newkirk has been a member of city council since 1939 and on more than one occasion has headed the polls with large majorities. At present he is chairman of the finance committee. A leave of absence was granted him until the end of the year. Although he states he expected to attend several meetings before leaving.
He is also secretary of the Kent Liberty Federal Association.
The mayor stated that while he was proud that another member of his council had volunteered he was somewhat disappointed to lose Ald. Newkirk’s advice and service. He mentioned that the alderman had another year to serve
The CDN 24/12/43 reported stationed at RCAF-Maning Pool – Toronto spent Christmas 1943 with his wife and ‘little sob’ with his parents.
Date of Discharge: August 23rd, 1945
Garnet R. passed away 25 January, 1980 and is buried at Maple Leaf Cemetery, Chatham, ON.
Sources | StAUC-RH, IODE(P), CCI-RH, OGS |
Age | Born August, 1911 |
Birthplace | Chatham |
Religion | United Church |
Marital Status | Married |
When Enlisted | November 1943 |
Next of Kin | Muriel Kathleen (nee Morrison) |
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