Rank | AC2 |
Service # | R209860 |
Unit # | RCAF |
Born in Saskatoon, SK. In 1925, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Murray of 39 St. Patrick St., Chatham, ON. Their father was a veteran of WWI. The brother of LAC Merrill Alexander, (RCAF – R2056347). Husband to Marleen (Geldhof) and Mary Jean (Bowers) 1999.
Father to Sue Ann (Yamamoto), Alex, Heather (Belicka), Annemarie (Wilkinson) and John, Anthony and Robert Krammer.
Gordon attended Queen Mary Public School and Chatham Collegiate Institute. Both of the boys were prominent in sports particularly in baseball, basketball and hockey.
Neil enlisted in the RCAF in February of 1943. He served as an Aircraft Electrician. Stationed at Toronto, Brandon MN., Rivers SK., Camp Bordon, and St. Thomas, ON. Edmonton. AB. And the Yukon Territory, also at Mt. Pleasant, PEI. Neil was discharged from the RCAF in November, 1945.
After the war he was a troubleshooter for the Chatham Hydro.
Neil passed away 17 May, 2014 at the Chatham-Kent Health Alliance at the age of 89 years. Interment was at McVicar Cemetery.
Sources | IODE(P), StAUC-RH, CCI-RH. CDN-Obit. 20/05/14. |
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