Rank | Private, Cfmn. |
Service # | A-3700 |
Unit # | #1 Canadian Engineers Reinforcement Unit |
Resident | Chatham |

Served in England for nearly five years.
Date of Discharge: August 1st 1945
Cfmn. A3700, # 1 RCE Reinf. Unit.
The CDN 21/06/45 reported that he was arriving home. Next of Kin: Mrs. A. Moir (mother) of 35 Lydican Ave., Chatham, ON. The CDN 22/06/45 reported that he was arriving the morning of the 22nd in London, ON. and in Chatham that evening.
Reported living at 35 Lydican Ave., Chatham, ON. when he was discharged from military service in August, 1945. CDN 21/08/45.
Sources | IODE(P), CFF-FD, KCFA?, CDN |
Age | born 1913 |
Birthplace | Chatham |
Religion | Anglican |
When Enlisted | February 1939 |
Next of Kin | Alice Moir (Mother) |
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