Reference: RG150, Accession 1992-93166, Box 6216-20, Item No. 184237. Born 21/07/1898 (attestation had the year 1897, he was actually underage) in Chatham, ON. The son of John and Susan Melinda (nee Rogers) Mills; (Mrs. S. Rogers of 47 Pine St., Chatham is listed as the Next of Kin on the Attestation). A single carpenter he was employed by J. Sparks – contractor at the time of enlistment. A member of the 24th Kent Regt. Attestation: 20/09/1915 at Chatham, ON. to 70th Bn.
From his military records it seems that Pte. Mills may have had some misgivings about being in the military he was reported AWL (Absent Without Leave twice in February for 2 days and again in April of 1916 for three days. He embarked on the S.S. Lapland in Halifax, NS 24/04/1916 and disembarked in Liverpool, England 5 May, 1916 proceeding to Shorncliffe (Canadian Training Camp in Kent, England), 19 July, 1916the 70th Bn. was absorbed into the 39th reserve Bn at West Sandling, where he trained until being transferred to the 21st Battalion.
On 17/09/16 Jesse was sent to France arriving at the CBD (Canadian Base Depot) in the Rouelles camp at Harvre one of 48 reinforcements for the 21st Bn. There is no entry in his file that he joined the 21st in the field but was sent to the CBD to join a Composite Company. His next move came on 13/11/16 when he went to No. 6 CFA (Canadian Field Ambulance to be diagnosed with Error of Refraction, (his eyesight was defective) and he was discharged to the Composite Company again 16/11/16.
Between November 1916 and July 1917 he was in and out of medical care at the Corps Rest Station and the Composite Company. In September of 1917 Jesse was awarded the Good Conduct Badge but he had been SOS (Struck Off Strength) of the 21st Battalion. On the 19/09/17 Jesse was admitted to N0.6 Casualty Clearing Station (CCS) suffering from Pemphigna, an infection of the skin causing blisters and open sores that could without treatment be fatal. That same day he was transferred to No.26 General Hospital, Estaples, France. Between 19 Septembers and 9 November Jesse would be transferred to four locations for treatment and recovery.
Finally discharged from No. 14 Convalescent Depot, Tourville, France he arrived at CGBD (Canadian Garrison Base Depot), Estaples on the 11 November 1917. He did not rejoin and active service battalion until 6 February 1919 and that would be the 4th Battalion.
Beginning on 23 February with the boarding of the SS Viper at LeHavre to England and the SS Baltic in Liverpool 29 April Jesses would arrive back in Canada on 7 May, 1919. With his discharge on the 9th in Toronto from the CEF with the rank of Private and a War Service Badge Class “A” Jesses war was over.
On 1 June, 1919 he would marry Winnifred Mabel Gardiner in Chatham, ON. John Jesse Mills died at Westminster Hospital, London, ON 2 January, 1967 and is buried in Maple Leaf Cemetery, Chatham, ON.
Sources | Park Street Methodist Church, Books of Remembrance for the Great War 1914 - 18. At St. Andrews UC, Chatham - January 2010 (09-05-1919), RG150, Accession 1992-93166, Box 6216-20, Item No. 184237, IODE(P), 21st Battalion Tribute., PSCBR, 21st Battalion Tribute |
Height | 5'2' |
Eye Colour | Hazel |
Age | 17 |
Complexion | Medium |
Hair | Brown |
Race | White |
Birthplace | 21/07/1898 (attestation had the year 1897, he was actually underage) in Chatham, ON. |
Religion | Methodist |
Last Place of Employment | J. Sparks, Contractor, Chatham |
Marital Status | Single |
When Enlisted | September 18th, 1915 |
Where Enlisted | Chatham, Ontario |
Next of Kin | Mrs. S. Rogers of 47 Pine St., Chatham |
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